Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices, and names of people who have passed away.

Sexual Health and Blood-Borne Viruses

About the Sexual Health and BBV Team at AHCSA

The AHCSA Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Program works with Aboriginal health services and the broader health sector across South Australia, supporting the prevention and treatment of STIs and BBVs. 

The Program supports ACCHSs and other services working with young Aboriginal people in the promotion of, and improved access to, opportunistic and voluntary sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening for people aged between 16 and 35 years.

The Program is supported by a small but dedicated team, consisting of a Sexual Health Program Coordinator, Clinical Support Officer, STI/BBV Program Coordinator and Sexual Health/BBV Project Officer.

+-Education and Support

+-STIs and BBVs


+-Other Sexual Health Resources