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Naomi Thornthwaite and Kim Morey present at Lowitja 2023

16 June 2023

This week saw AHCSA Research Officer Naomi Thornthwaite and SAHMRI's Kim Morey present "Taking the Next Steps in Aboriginal Health Research" at the Lowitja Institute International Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Conference 2023 on Gimuy-walubarra Yidiin land in Cairns.

 A literally standing-room-only audience hung on every word as Naomi and Kim delivered their findings about ways in which the health sector can better respond to Aboriginal-informed research priorities, culturally-sensitive ways of conducting research, and the interconnected and holistic nature of Aboriginal health.

Our health, our choice, our way.

The Lowitja Institute’s International Indigenous Health and Wellbeing Conference is a biennial event attracting a global audience committed to sharing knowledge for the health and wellbeing of indigenous peoples and communities. Visit lowitjaconference.org.au for more information.