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Federal Minister of Health Hon. Mark Butler visits AHCSA

16 August 2023

AHCSA was pleased to host Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care Hon. Mark Butler MP for a tour of our offices and a media press conference today.

We were gratified that the Minister, who is also Federal Member for the SA electorate of Hindmarsh, chose AHCSA as the venue for a clear statement of the government's commitment to closing the gap in health outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous Australians.

Minister Butler had several positive and honest discussions with staff members at AHCSA, and heard a lot of truth from CEO Shane Mohor, Board chair Wilhelmine Lieberwirth, and Board member (and former chair) Polly-Sumner Dodd about the health issues facing our people in South Australia and about what we need from him and his government.


<i>Pictured: AHCSA CEO Shane Mohor, AHCSA Board member Polly Sumner Dodd, Hon. Mark Butler MP, AHCSA Board Chair Wilhelmine Lieberwirth.</i>

Pictured: AHCSA CEO Shane Mohor, AHCSA Board member Polly Sumner-Dodd, Hon. Mark Butler MP, AHCSA Board Chair Wilhelmine Lieberwirth.

The Department of Health and Aged Care has released a transcript of the Minister's comments to media and and his answers to their questions. It can be viewed here:
