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18 February 2022
The history of the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia is rich with activism, fuelled by trail blazers in the sector.
Over the last two years, Chairperson of the AHCSA Board Polly Sumner-Dodd and AHCSA's Accreditaiton and Compliance Officer, Marjo Stroud filmed interviews with a dozen very experienced workers in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health. The objective was to capture a snapshot of the history of this hard-won health sector, which was born out of community commitment and social activism over the past five decades.
In capturing the stories of trailblazers, many unique insights were gained, memorable stories told, and wise recommendations for continued development in this sector and the interview footage has been broken into three themes –Trailblazers, Struggles and Achievements, and Suggestions.
Each of the videos are listed below. Enjoy!
Video 1: Trailblazers
Some of those who fought for the establishment of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health services in the 1970s and 80s tell us what it was like. They talk about the early days and those that came before them to make things the way they are today.
Video 2: Struggles and Achievements
Gaining control of health services from the SA government required Aboriginal health trailblazers to fight many battles and resiliently navigate setback after setback through the 1970s and 1980s. Many of these hard-won achievements continue to this day.
Video 3: Seventeen Suggestions
Aboriginal Community Control spokespeople pull from their extensive experience and knowledge to make recommendations for ongoing work in the sector.
Video 4: AHCSA Trailer
A sample of stories about Aboriginal Community Controlled Health in South Australia.