About Our Red Gum
For tens of thousands of years, the Red Gum has provided physical and spiritual sustenance to Aboriginal people. We see this tree as a representation of AHCSA, and everything that we stand for.
1. Our Earth
Our Red Gum grows in the earth and absorbs the nutrients within the ground. This fertile soil represents past journeys, people and contributors that make up AHCSA’s history. We would not be able to grow without this rich foundation.
2. Our Root System
The root system provides strength and stability for the growth of the tree and represents the five Constitutional Objectives, which support the activities of the AHCSA Board and Secretariat.
3. Aboriginal Community
The Aboriginal Community is at the centre, signalling that the Strategic Direction and the work AHCSA does is driven by their respect and connection to the Community.
4. AHCSA’s Three Plans
Within the Community symbol is the representation of AHCSA’s Organisational Plan, Community Engagement Plan and the Partnership Plan. The Strategic Direction will be achieved through the development and implementation of these plans.
5. Eight Bark Textures
The eight bark textures represent the eight mechanisms that will support AHCSA’s three plans:
- The AHCSA Research Strategy
- The AHCSA Pathway to Aboriginal Community Control Strategy
- The AHCSA Education Hub Strategy
- The AHCSA Communication Strategy
- The AHCSA Workforce Strategy
- The AHCSA Business Development and Wealth Creation Strategy
- The AHCSA Youth Strategy
- The AHCSA Health Leadership Strategy
6. Leaves
The leaves represent the new growth and the new work being done, coming from each of the eight mechanisms.
7. Shield
The shield is made from the Red Gum and represents strength of culture and Community.
8. Coolamon
The coolamon is made from the Red Gum and is used to carry babies and food. The coolamon represents nurturing, growth, health and the future generations.